2025 Spring Recital

2025 Recital Information

Today's Dance Center 


The 2025 Spring Recital  

"A Night at the Grammy's..."

When: Saturday, May 10th, 2025
Time: 12:00pm featuring TDC Dancer's 

 3:00pm featuring TDC Dancer's 

Where: BCIT Theater-TBD

Hawkin Rd, Medford, NJ 08055

Click here to purchase Tickets: 

Recital Pictures: Sunday, April 6th, 2025 at TDC Studio's. Please register through app provided by Capone Photography. If you can not make that date you can make up with Capone photography by calling 856-782-8966

Recital Tickets: Saturday, April 5th, 2025 on-line at www.dancerecitalticketing.com at your families scheduled time (all accounts must be in good standing) Details will be emailed the last week of March.

Recital Dress Rehearsal: BCIT Theater Thursday, May 8, 2025-TBD (at your dancers scheduled class time) 

News & Updates

PLEASE NOTE: All students are expected to perform in our annual recital unless scheduled in a KFK, M&M, SHOWCASERS or a Non-Recital Course. *Students enrolled in recital courses that do not show up for all scheduled recitals will not be permitted to future recital classes at TDC.

Please read the RECITAL section in our Student Handbook for any questions on our annual spring recital

TDC Office Hours 

Monday-Thursday 4-9pm /Wednesday  9:30-12:30pm/Friday -Sunday CLOSED

Today's Dance Center

175 Route 70 Sharps Run Plaza,

Medford, NJ 08055

Phone. (609)953-0253

Email. todaysdancecenter1@gmail.com