Session A: June 4th-25th 4 weeks
Session B: July 9th-30th: 4 weeks
Session C: Aug 6th-27th: 4 weeks
Wednesday Summer Class Schedule
10:15-11:00am Petite Performers (2.5-4) (Studio A)
11:00-11:45am Tumbling Tutu’s (4-6) (Studio A)
4:15-5:00pm Petite Performers/Kindercombo (4-6) (Studio B)
5:00-6:00pm Ballet Tech Class (Beg/Int) (Studio A)
5:00-6:00pm Jazz Tech (Int/Adv ) (Studio B)
6:00-7:15pm Ballet/Cont Tech(Int/Adv) (Studio B)
6:00-7:00pm Jazz Technique (Beg/Int) (Studio A)
7:00-7:45pm Hip-Hop (Studio A)
7:15-8:00pm Contemporary/Acro (open) (Studio B)
Young Children's Workshops
Weekly Children’s Workshops (Mon- Thurs. 9:30-12pm) (2-5 yrs & 6-8 yrs)
$210 per week
Pop Star Week 7/7-7/10
Princess Week- 7/14-7/17
Glow Party Week 7/21-7/24
1-Day $60 Session; Camp consists of stretch, dance, music, arts & crafts and a snack.
Summer Intensive Training Level
& Choreography Week
Week of August 11th-14th
Beg/Int level: 9:00-12:00pm; $325
Int/Adv level: 9:00-4:00pm $495
Summer Intensive is for those students who are looking for more challenge in the art of dance or are in our Company/Ensemble.
Offering a full pre-professional curriculum with professional teachers from the Philadelphia Ballet School, Princeton Ballet School, Broadway, NYC, & the Philadelphia dance scene.
Programs are based on enrollment and are on 1st come, 1st serve basis
To Register: Click LOGIN in top right corner of site and follow prompts